Apple Energy Limited

Our Mission

We want to be the most respected, customer centered, independent oil and gas company in East and central Africa.

Our Vision

• We want to be the most respected, customer centered, independent oil and gas company in East and central Africa.
• We aim to continue to expand our product and service network to ensure continent-wide access to oil and gas products/Petroleum for consumers and businesses alike.
• We will thus extend our support for more ambitious economic and social development in Africa, while playing our part in reducing the environmental and health challenges of the continued and widespread use of firewood and paraffin (kerosene) as an energy source.

Our Objectives

We have set ourselves a series of specific objectives. In particular, we aim to:

• Achieve zero accidents/Zero harm on site and other operations everywhere. We want to be listed among the best companies in African and the world in terms of work safety.
• Mitigate the technical risks associated with our operations by applying
industry best practices to ensure the integrity and safety of our installations.
• Constantly reinforce our HSSEQ culture by training and supporting all our employees so that compliance with HSSEQ behaviour becomes a fundamental principle across the group.

We pay particular attention to prevention and protective measures so that we can anticipate and, ideally, avoid potential incidents.

Our Values

We are entrepreneurial investors and share the operating principles and cultural values that drive the success of our business in Africa and the whole world In particular, we aim to be Responsible, Agile, Principled and Adaptable. These are the values that define and unite Apple Energy people and shape the way we do business: (RAPA)


As a business, we are acutely aware of the influence we have and the impact we can make. Not just on the lives of our customers and colleagues but also on the communities we are part of and the wider world too. Making that impact a positive one is something we take tremendous pride in.


We thrive on a challenge and are known for taking bold, yet calculated, risks. Not surprisingly, we avoid unnecessary bureaucracy and do not let institutional dogma slow us down. We work in a very dynamic environment in serving our customers by responding to environmental changes.


We are shrewd Oil & Gas business operators, but we never compromise our principles, which are based on strong ethics and mutual respect. We are fair, honest, direct and transparent in our dealings and do not tolerate prejudice, discrimination or dishonesty.


We have a talent for developing new areas of business, and we are at ease in diverse and changing environments and cultures. Our ability to adapt is vital to our business success and enables us to integrate locally, without compromising our principles and our services.

Oil Trading

In 2020, We further extended our service offering with the creation of a trading business, which supply fuel, marine lubricants and other specialised services, offshore and on the high seas across Eastern and Central Africa